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Enterprise layout of new infrastructure! Chinese private enterprises: finding a way out in the new infrastructure

Article source:"Xiaokang" is an exclusive report of China Upload time:2020-10-29

The new infrastructure will help Chinese cities enter the era of Internet of Everything. The huge demand of application market will also lead private enterprises to enter the Internet of Things platform and the market space of intelligent products. At the same time, more capital will enter the new generation of information technology enterprises. The recognition of market and capital will give private enterprises more and more bright development prospects.

The proposal of new opportunities and new infrastructure will undoubtedly promote the development of a number of enterprises. Many large-scale enterprises have already laid out artificial intelligence, intelligent transportation and other fields for group development. Small and medium-sized enterprises can also take advantage of the potential to increase business volume and gold content, and play the role of intermediate links in the industrial chain.

"We must accelerate the construction of major projects and infrastructure that have been clearly defined by the national plan, including accelerating the construction of new infrastructure such as 5G networks and data centers." On March 4, 2020, this viewpoint at the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee aroused people's attention to the new infrastructure. Accelerating the construction of new infrastructure projects requires fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of private investment and exerting subjective initiative. 5G infrastructure, intercity high-speed railway and intercity rail transit, charging piles for new energy vehicles, big data centers, artificial intelligence, and industrial internet ... From some policies already issued by the state, empowering small and medium-sized enterprises to develop digital and intelligent related industries is also the meaning of this new infrastructure.

Promote the growth of enterprises at the right time

Liu Wei, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Guangzhou Jiadu Group Co., Ltd., said that the epidemic has exposed many shortcomings in the construction of smart cities in China. For example, community epidemic prevention such as setting up checkpoints and information registration adopts traditional manual methods, which is inefficient; The social conditions are unclear, the accuracy of issuing investigation data is low, and the use of information is inefficient ... In his view, urban construction can be by going up one flight of stairs.

"Traditional infrastructure, private enterprises have relatively few participation, but in the new infrastructure, 5G, artificial intelligence, industrial Internet and other fields have a long industrial chain, and at the same time, the scientific and technological content is higher, and private enterprises have the natural advantage of participation." At this year's National People's Congress, Liu Wei's proposal also paid attention to the investment subjects and business environment in the new infrastructure sector. He believes that in the process of new infrastructure construction, private enterprises will play an important role, which will also be an important opportunity for the development of private high-tech enterprises.

The proposal of new infrastructure will undoubtedly promote the development of a number of enterprises. For the larger enterprises, many of them have already laid out artificial intelligence, intelligent transportation and other fields for group development. For small and medium-sized enterprises, they can take advantage of the potential to increase business volume and gold content, and play the role of intermediate links in the industrial chain. As Baidu Chairman Li Yanhong said, "New infrastructure will greatly promote economic development and improvement of people's livelihood". Baidu, which has long been deployed in intelligent transportation, will continue to exert its strength in combination with new infrastructure this year. The reporter learned from Baidu that in April this year, Baidu disclosed Apollo intelligent transportation solutions for the first time and officially released the "ACE Transportation Engine". This is also the first full-stack intelligent transportation solution integrating vehicles and roads at home and abroad.

As an important part of smart city construction and one of the representative areas of integrated infrastructure, intelligent transportation solves congestion and improves people's livelihood at the micro level, which is conducive to improving the level of urban refined management; At the macro level, it is helpful to promote the construction of a powerful transportation country and promote the transformation of national economy to high-quality development. Therefore, many areas also regard intelligent transportation as the starting point for developing smart cities, and cooperate with high-tech enterprises to improve the comprehensive management level of cities. According to incomplete statistics, 25 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have mentioned new infrastructure projects in the investment plans for major projects in 2020 issued by 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country, and "5G", "data center" and "new energy charging pile" have become key words. On the other hand, this has promoted the landing of Baidu's intelligent transportation solution. Once the plan was issued, Nanjing and Qinhuai governments signed a tripartite strategic cooperation agreement with Baidu and AsiaInfo Group. Baidu and AsiaInfo Group will carry out in-depth cooperation with Nanjing and Qinhuai District in the fields of automatic driving, vehicle-road coordination, intelligent car association, etc., to help build the provincial pilot area of Qinhuai car networking and promote the high-quality development of Nanjing intelligent networked automobile industry. At present, Baidu's "ACE Traffic Engine" integrated solution has been implemented in more than 10 cities including Beijing, Changsha and Chongqing.

Facing the new opportunities brought by the new infrastructure, Hebei Zhida Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd., which is also committed to the smart city field, defines 2020 as the "year of enabling and transforming scientific and technological achievements" of Zhida Optoelectronic, and plans a new five-year development strategy, namely, from the new third board to the main board, from the lighting industry to the digital industry. Sun Jianlong, CEO of Zhida Optoelectronics, told Xiaokang magazine and China Xiaokang. com that the new infrastructure is the cornerstone of the country's 5G strategic development, which will help Chinese cities enter the era of Internet of Everything. The huge demand of the application market will also lead private enterprises to enter the Internet of Things platform and the market space of intelligent products, and at the same time, let more capital enter the new generation of information technology enterprises. The recognition of market and capital will give private enterprises more and more bright development prospects. Therefore, Zhida Optoelectronics will take advantage of the new infrastructure to continue to expand its national business in the field of urban lighting, and make intensive efforts in the fields of cultural tours and night tours, smart cities and so on.

Coincidentally, Yang Wei, chairman of the company, believes that the new infrastructure has given private enterprises a once-in-a-lifetime period of strategic opportunities. "Although it is all infrastructure, the new infrastructure proposed this time is completely different from that in 2008, especially for high-tech private enterprises. Each of the seven aspects of the new infrastructure has huge data application needs." At the same time, he pointed out that in the face of such a comprehensive strategic opportunity period, private enterprises should define themselves more accurately. "Customer needs are springing up like generate, but this does not mean that enterprises have the ability to do everything. Instead, they should stay awake at this time. Where should the enterprise focus on? What are the core values? "

Industrial upgrading promotes digital transformation

Zhao Bowen, research director of Bluestone Asset Management, revealed that the scale of new infrastructure this year can reach 2 trillion yuan to 3 trillion yuan. China Information and Communication Institute predicts that only 5G network construction in the new infrastructure will directly drive output of 10.6 trillion yuan and indirectly drive output of 24.8 trillion yuan in six years. Faced with such a huge market, the most intuitive new opportunity brought by the new infrastructure is to stimulate industrial upgrading and innovation transformation. Wang Xiaohui, vice president of Tsinghua University Internet Industry Research Institute, said that the new infrastructure will promote the transformation of economic structure and contribute to the formation and scale of digital economy. Among them, the development and service of 5G network construction is the first field to be developed, and the manufacturing industry will also be upgraded in the whole industry chain, especially the industrial Internet and intelligent manufacturing. The vigorous development of the industry will surely drive the rapid growth of enterprises in the industry, and promote the development of new products, services and models in fields such as 5G, artificial intelligence and big data.

Whether developing 5G, artificial intelligence or big data, in the final analysis, it is supported by technology, and the development of basic technology helps all walks of life to develop intelligently. In this regard, Sun Jianlong analyzed that the new infrastructure is essentially an information digital infrastructure, which can support the development of traditional industries towards cloud networking, digitalization and intelligence. Taking the multi-pole smart street lamp as an example, "building the city terminal perception layer and deploying the cloud-based communication network" is Zhida Optoelectronics' definition of the new road lighting facilities, while wisdom is the internal expression of the new street lamp. It is necessary to start with the top-level planning and design according to different scenarios, and set the best AI intelligent control algorithm to achieve accurate and efficient urban management. "When the construction site causes dust pollution to the environment, the system can automatically take photos and collect evidence and play warning voices; When the water on the road is too deep, the system will prompt vehicles and pedestrians to pay attention to safety; When the vehicle violates, the system automatically plays the warning sound and sends it back to the command center ... All these functions set the AI algorithm according to the usage scenario, and improve the management efficiency through AI automatic operation and maintenance. " Sun Jianlong told Xiaokang magazine and China Xiaokang.

With regard to digital development, Zhu Min, president of the National Finance Research Institute of Tsinghua University and former vice president of IMF, said, "First of all, the digitalization of enterprises has affected financial institutions such as Ant Financial Services, prompting these large enterprises with a certain volume to respond quickly, providing credit lines for small and medium-sized enterprises and lowering interest rates. This is also in line with the central bank's monetary policy and supported by the central bank and commercial banks, which can release liquidity for the market as soon as possible. Secondly, the platform trend brought by digital technology can better help enterprises obtain information and let them obtain services such as supply chain, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, which can develop better through e-commerce platform. "

In addition, Wang Xiaohui pointed out that in the construction of new infrastructure projects, software and hardware manufacturers, system integrators, operators and related enterprises such as UHV, new energy vehicles and intercity high-speed rail will receive policy and financial support in terms of market access, special subsidies and tax incentives. The popularization and application of technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing will help other non-Internet technology enterprises such as construction to reduce costs and increase efficiency, thus improving their competitiveness.

There are many challenges, and the war is just around the corner

Opportunities are accompanied by challenges. Wang Xiaohui said that the biggest difficulty in developing new infrastructure lies in the dislocation between supply side and demand side, as well as the problems of return on investment and pulling effect. Government-led acceleration and promotion of new infrastructure investment are prone to disconnection between positioning and market demand. The rational structure should be that the market and enterprises are the main bodies under the guidance of the government, and investment risks can not be ignored. In addition, there will be difficulties in technology, capital, system and mode. "New infrastructure relies on new technologies, and new technologies also have great uncertainties and shortcomings in terms of development cycle, technicians, costs, and marketing, and there is no perfect new infrastructure supporting security system at present." For the challenges that enterprises will face, Li Yanhong suggested strengthening the training of basic and applied talents of artificial intelligence, speeding up the creation of new artificial intelligence infrastructure with international leading level, and promoting the active application of independent and controllable open source deep learning platform in various industries.

Sun Jianlong introduced that since the listing of the New Third Board in 2015, Zhida Optoelectronics has been taking the road of scientific research to drive enterprise development, and has been focusing on the research and exploration of AI intelligence, Internet of Things, big data and cloud platform. Facing the new challenges, Zhida Optoelectronics has a perfect IoT application scheme and a mature IoT product system, and at the same time brings together the relevant upstream and downstream enterprise ecological chains. These are the cornerstones of Zhida Optoelectronics' game in the new infrastructure market. Although it has already been laid out in the new infrastructure field, Sun Jianlong said that Zhida Optoelectronics still needs to continuously increase investment in R&D, introduce R&D talents, explore new business directions and strengthen the ecological construction of enterprises, so as to seize the market opportunities and realize the enterprise's take-off.

According to Yang Zhao's analysis, private enterprises with similar scale to Bailing's data will face three major challenges: First, how to keep the balance between short-term performance and long-term technology investment. "It is a natural law that investment in products and technologies takes time to produce, not that products will come out after one month's investment. There is such a pain for enterprises: if they don't invest now, there will be problems in the long-term competitiveness and core values in the future; If you invest heavily now, it will have an impact on short-term performance, thus affecting its development prospects in the capital market. " Secondly, there are bottlenecks during the fast-growing market demand and technical product development week. "Today, the demand for data applications in China is very strong, but from the perspective of technology and products, the development of products and technologies in any industry has a process from beginning to accelerating to maturity." Finally, there is market competition. "When there are a lot of opportunities in a field, there will be a lot of companies that are not engaged in this industry. Some of them will not obey the rules of the game and use market-oriented methods, such as three or four times the salary to dig the team and dig people, which is a major challenge for the original enterprises in this field. "