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Foreign capital is not only interested in the Chinese market

Article source: People's Daily-People's Daily Upload time:2020-10-29

Since the beginning of this year, affected by the continuous spread of pneumonia in COVID-19, the world economic growth has suffered a setback, and international trade and investment have both declined. By contrast, China's epidemic prevention and control and economic recovery are at the forefront of the world, showing the strong resilience and vigorous vitality of China's economy, and adding a touch of bright color to the development of the world economy.

In the first three quarters, China's economic growth rate turned positive, and the growth rate of main indicators changed from negative to positive, especially in the third quarter, where the growth rate rose steadily, with GDP increasing by 4.9%, and the main indicators improved significantly in September. Meanwhile, the growth of foreign trade and foreign capital was better than expected. In September, the import, export and import value in a single month reached a record high; The actual use of foreign capital in China was 99.03 billion yuan, up 25.1% year-on-year, achieving a year-on-year growth for six consecutive months.

Under the severe world economic situation, why does global capital continue to be optimistic about China? What are the main attractions of China?

It is closely related to China's basic national policy. Since the reform and opening up, China has opened its doors to construction. In this process, the door to China's opening is always open, regardless of the vagaries of the world. Attracting foreign investment is an important part of China's basic national policy of opening to the outside world. From the central government to local governments at all levels, a series of policies and measures have been issued to keep pace with the times; Since January 1 this year, the Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China has come into effect … All these have created institutional conditions for foreign investment from all over the world.

It is closely related to China's continuously optimized business environment. A good business environment is not only an important weight for a country and region to attract foreign investment, but also an important embodiment of the comprehensive competitiveness of a country and region. For a long time, China's deepening reform has promoted opening-up, while expanding opening-up has forced reform, especially in recent years, it has continuously released institutional dividends through reform and greatly optimized the business environment. According to the Global Business

Environment Report 2020 issued by the World Bank, the global ranking of China's business environment jumped from 78th to 46th in 2018, and rose to 31st again in 2019, ranking among the top 40 in the world, achieving a "second-class jump". The improvement of the business environment was amazing, which also attracted foreign investment.

It is closely related to China's huge market scale. The large market size is an important advantage of the big country's economy and an important factor to attract foreign investment. China is a big developing country with the main characteristics of "big country economy", one of which is the huge market size and potential. How big is it? In terms of consumption alone, China has a large market with a population of 1.4 billion, and the spending power of over 400 million middle-income groups, together with the rising income level and quality of life of urban and rural residents, will further release the market potential. It is conceivable that such a huge market will attract foreign investment. For example, the business of some foreign-funded enterprises in China has become the main part of their global business, and has also played a certain exemplary role in foreign assets.

It is closely related to China's complete industrial system. Nowadays, China's manufacturing industry has established a modern industrial system with a complete range, ranking first in the world in terms of scale and strength for many years, and has become the world's largest manufacturing country. At the same time, in recent years, China's service industry has a good momentum of development, expanding its space and increasing its proportion year by year. All these have attracted a lot of foreign investment. The same is true. From January to September this year, the actual use of foreign capital in China's service industry was 559.68 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15%; The high-tech service industry increased by 26.4% year-on-year, among which e-commerce services, professional technical services, R&D and design services and scientific and technological achievements transformation services increased by 18.5%, 92.5%, 72.8% and 31.2% year-on-year, respectively.

As the global economic situation is still complicated and severe, there are still many uncertain factors affecting foreign investment, and the work of attracting foreign investment cannot be relaxed at all. At present, China should continue to do a good job in the implementation of the negative list of foreign investment access, and make foreign investment projects in more fields enjoy relevant preferential policies according to the forthcoming Catalogue of Industries Encouraged by Foreign Investment (2020 Edition). In addition, combined with the construction of free trade zone, we should further do a good job in the facilitation of foreign investment, the service guarantee of foreign investment projects, and protect the rights and interests of foreign capital according to law. Source: People's Daily-People's Daily