Before the industrial revolution, machinery was mostly made of wood by hand, and the metal was mainly steel and iron, used only to make small parts for instruments, watches, locks, pumps, and wooden construction machinery. Metalworking mainly depends on the precision work of the machinist to achieve the required precision. With the wide use of steam engines and the development of large-scale machinery such as mines, metallurgy, ships and locomotives, more and more metal parts need to be formed and cut, the metal materials developed from copper and iron to steel.
Mechanical processing including casting, forging, welding, heat treatment and other technologies and equipment, as well as cutting technology and rapid development of machine tools, cutting tools, measuring tools, so as to ensure the development of production needs of various mechanical equipment supply. At the same time, with the increase of batch production and the development of precision machining technology, it also promotes the formation of interchangeable production, specialized division and Cooperation, assembly line and assembly line.